Brown bears which used to be found throughout continental Europe are now confined to four main populations. One of these is in the forested mountain areas in Southern Slovenia, extending down into Croatia. These forests are one of the rare areas in Europe where all three European carnivores, bear, wolf and lynx, occur together.

As these Central European bears have a strong, natural fear of humans, it is quite difficult to see them in their natural environment. Yet, without a better appreciation and awareness of bears, it is easy for  their natural habitats to be further fragmented and degraded.

Situated in the small town of Stari Trg pri Ložu, Miha Mlakar has established a number of bear photography hides located in various parts of the forest (www.  We stayed at Miha’s lovely guest house, met several other interesting tourists and photographers from around Europe, and got to see these bears in their natural forest habitat.

It is eco-tourism ventures such as these, that not only bring tourists out into relatively remote areas, away from the typical tourist sites, but also helps to promote general awareness and conservation around bears and the need to conserve wild forests and green corridors.

Miha Mlakar’s Guesthouse, surrounded by farmland and forests

Hiking through the forest to the hides

The hides at one of the forest sites

All set up inside the hide, then after a long quiet wait, success when a mother and her clubs arrived!